@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000093, author = {MATSUO, Kazue and 松尾, 和枝 and SAKAI, Yasue and 酒井, 康江 and EJIMA, Hitoko and 江島, 仁子}, journal = {日本赤十字九州国際看護大学intramural research report, The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing, intramural research report}, month = {Dec}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006573009, application/pdf, 2000年に国連が採択した「ミレニアム開発目標(Millennium Development Goals)では、リプロダクティブヘルスに関するサービス提供、すなわち適切な保健医療サービスが地域に行き渡ることの必要性が指摘されている。本学には、地域格差の大きい村落部の妊産婦死亡率の改善のための「モロッコ地方村落妊産婦ケア改善プロジェクト」の無償資金協力を補完する目的で、モロッコの研修生が来学している。その研修の受け入れを通して、村落部では医療供給体制がなく、地域看護の潜在ニーズが高いことが大きいことが予測できた。そこで、地方村落部での看護職の役割と介入方法を検討する目的で、モロッコ地方村落部で、3年間にわたる調査活動を行った。本論文では、その地域診断結果に基づき、途上国地方村落部での地域看護職の役割について考察する。地方村落部では、妊娠出産に関する問題は、女性にとっては重要な問題であった。しかし、地域社会で権限を有する家長などの認識は低く、その問題解決を図るには、地域の文化や価値観、宗教など、保健医療に関する地域の物理的な環境以外の問題が多々あることが明らかになった。そのための看護職の役割として地域住民の主体的な問題解決能力を高めるための公衆衛生看護的なアプローチの必要性が示唆された。, The United Nations, in Millennium Development Goals 2000, has pointed out the necessity of providing a suitable health and medical service in all areas. Medical care professionals from the Kingdom of Morocco visited our college and Munakata city, as one of JICA's projects, in order to research measures capable of reforming their country's Maternal Mortality Ratio. In the training course of our college, they learned about the actualities of community and child health in Japan. I served as the trainee's attendant, when I had an opportunity to get information from them, on the actualities of local maternal and child health in the Kingdom Morocco. I realized what an important role a nurse played in the area where there were no medical care professional. When I visited a rural village in Morocco, I conducted community assessment in order to obtain the underlying data on which I would research the role and the intervention method of a nurse in a developing country. The community assessment showed that women living in the developing country felt uneasy about pregnancy or childbirth, and that they regarded their own health care in the pregnancy term as the most important problem. In a local community, however, the head of the community and most influential person did not consider pregnancy pr childbirth as an important problem. In order to solve the problem, I found it more important to reform the local communities cultural system and sense of values of health care than to fix infrastructures such as a health facility.}, pages = {40--47}, title = {途上国無医村における地域看護診断 : Morocco地方村落部での地域調査の実践報告}, volume = {5}, year = {2006}, yomi = {マツオ, カズエ and サカイ, ヤスエ and エジマ, ヒトコ} }