@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000854, author = {吉野, 靖代 and YOSHINO, Yasuyo and UNOKI, Takeshi and 卯野木, 健 and SAKURAMOTO, Hideaki and 櫻本, 秀明 and 大内, 玲 and OUCHI, Akira and 星野, 晴彦 and HOSHINO, Haruhiko and 松石, 雄二朗 and MATSUISHI, Yujiro and MIZUTANI, Taro and 水谷, 太郎}, issue = {3}, journal = {Nursing Open, Nursing Open}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, Aim To determine the relationship between the delirium of patients with mechanical ventilation during intensive care unit (ICU) stay and delusional memory after ICU discharge. Design Prospective cohort study. Methods Delirium in adult patients who received mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hr was assessed twice daily using the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU. Delusional memories were evaluated using the ICU Memory Tool 5–10 days after ICU discharge. The associations between the presence of delirium during the ICU stay and delusional memories were evaluated. Results Of 60 enrolled patients, 62% had delirium during their ICU stay, and 68% experienced delusional memories 5–10 days after discharge. Delirium during ICU stay was an independent factor to experience delusional memories following discharge. Preventing delirium during ICU stay might reduce delusional memory. We recommend that patients with delirium during their ICU stay should be carefully followed up after discharge from the ICU.}, pages = {1436--1443}, title = {Association between intensive care unit delirium and delusional memory after critical care in mechanically ventilated patients}, volume = {8}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ヨシノ, ヤスヨ and ウノキ, タケシ and サクラモト, ヒデアキ and オオウチ, アキラ and ホシノ, ハルヒコ and マツイシ, ユウジロウ and ミズタニ, タロウ} }