@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000837, author = {KAMOGAWA, Megumi and 鴨川, めぐみ and 浦上, 恵子 and URAKAMI, Keiko and 田代, 洋子 and TASHIRO, Yoko and 谷本, 薫 and TANIMOTO, Kaoru}, journal = {佐世保市立総合病院紀要, Sasebo City General Hospital proceedings}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 膀胱腫瘍で終末期にあり,ある程度死に至る過程を理解している男性患者で,出来ることは最期まで自分の力でしたい,家族に迷惑をかけたくない,自分の最期はただ痛みだけをとってほしいという希望をもっている症例に関わった.KOMIチャートシステムを活用し,入院期間中の各期(ADLが自己でまかなえていた時期,徐々にADLが低下した時期,臥床期)に応じた看護を展開した.その結果,同室者を励まし支え合いながら患者らしさを維持でき,望みどおりの最期を迎えさせることができた.この事例を通して,終末期においては患者のニーズを個別的に満たすことや患者背景を把握しそれに伴う苦痛・苦悩に看護師が一体となりアプローチしていくことが重要であることを再認識した, We nursed a patient in terminal stage of bladder cancer using KOMI chart system. He realized his Illness was in terminal stage. His desires were (1) not make his handicapped wife be anxious, (2) want to look after him by himself, (3) not want his families and other persons be worried, We helped him to fulfill his wishes thinking these desires were the source of vital power, As a result, In KOMI reader chart and KOMI chart, he could maintain the role item in recognition throughout his life in spite of the reduction of life's width and behavior. We think we could help him to fulfill his desires.}, pages = {67--71}, title = {KOMIチャートシステムを活用した終末期患者の看護}, volume = {29}, year = {2003}, yomi = {カモガワ, メグミ and ウラカミ, ケイコ and タシロ, ヨウコ and タニモト, カオル} }