@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000739, author = {OOSHIGE, Narumi and 大重, 育美 and MATSUNAKA, Eriko and 松中, 枝理子 and 柴, 枝理子 and SHIBA, Eriko and 島崎, 梓 and SHIMAZAKI, Azusa and GOTO, Tomoko and 後藤, 智子 and ISHIYAMA, Sayuri and 石山, さゆり and NAGAMATSU, Miyuki and 永松, 美雪}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本健康医学会雑誌, Journal of Japan health medicine association}, month = {}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130007627849, application/pdf, 本研究では,蓄積的疲労に至る影響要因を睡眠の質や睡眠状況,食習慣などの生活活動との関連から分析し,大学生の中でも看護学生を対象に負荷が高い実習期間と講義期間で比較することを目的とした.対象者は,A大学3年次の看護学生97名とした.その結果,講義期間と実習期間のいずれも睡眠の質が低下しており,実習期間で睡眠時間の短縮がみられた.講義期間では精神的疲労感が高く,実習期間では身体的疲労感が高くなっていた.蓄積的疲労に影響する要因として,講義期間では睡眠の質の低下があり,学習時間は精神的疲労感の要因となりやすいことが示唆された。実習期間では講義期間と同様に睡眠の質の低下があり,その他として生活活動の朝食習慣が要因に挙げられた。, The current study examined factors affecting sleep quality (e.g., sleeping and eating habits), which result in increased Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index (CFSI) scores, in a sample of college nursing students. Additionally, contributing factors were also compared in the lecture and training periods. Participants were 97 third-year university nursing students. Results indicated poor sleeping quality in both the lecture and training periods, and shortened sleep duration also was observed in the training period. In the lecture period, feelings of mental fatigue were high, while feelings of physical fatigue were elevated during the training period. Breakfast consumption during the training period, when the amount of skills and information learned enhances mental fatigue, was found to be a factor affecting CFSI scores. Furthermore, results suggest that learning time is associated with a fear of insecurity during the lecture period.}, pages = {17--23}, title = {大学生の蓄積的疲労徴候(CFSI)に影響する要因分析}, volume = {27}, year = {2018}, yomi = {オオシゲ, ナルミ and マツナカ, エリコ and シバ, エリコ and シマザキ, アズサ and ゴトウ, トモコ and イシヤマ, サユリ and ナガマツ, ミユキ} }