@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000736, author = {MORIYAMA, Masaki and 守山, 正樹}, issue = {2}, journal = {感性と対話 = Senses & narratives, 感性と対話 = Senses & narratives}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 公衆衛生の考え方は健康な社会を構築する上で必須である。しかし日本では、公衆衛生の専門家教育は不十分である。専門家教育の不足を補うべく、健康に関連した全職種で国家資格を取得するために、科目としての公衆衛生の履修が求められる。しかし幅広い領域を一つの科目に押し込める結果、科目としての公衆衛生は複雑で学ぶのも教えるのも容易ではない。知識の詰め込みを優先する日本の公衆衛生教育の現状を変えることを目指し、本論考では講義室での経験を重視する新たな学修法を提案する。 論考前半では、日本の公衆衛生概念の成立を歴史的に整理し、公衆衛生学の複雑さは以下の2点から成り立つことを示した;1)明治時代の文明開化から始まる理系・実験的な接近を重視した衛生学に由来の複雑さ、2)太平洋戦争後、米国教育使節団の視察を契機に社会科学的な視点が追加され公衆衛生学が誕生した際の複雑さ。 論考後半では、複雑な科目、公衆衛生の学修において、個々の知識が学修者に無関係なものとして提示されることの多い現状を振り返った上で、学修者が講義室で何らかの経験をすることを重視し、新たな教育方法の概要をデザインした。特に注目したのは、学修者が指先で物体に触れて感じ考える触覚的な経験である。これまでに筆者が積み重ねてきた試行を元に、気泡緩衝材プチプチに触れて考える授業の概要を示し、プチプチから具現化される触覚的な知性に言及した。, The concept of public health is essential for building a healthy society. However, in Japan, public health professional education is inadequate. In order to make up for the lack of professional education, public health as a study subject is required to obtain a national qualification in all occupations related to health. However, as a result of pushing the broad spectrum of public health into one study subject (one class), public health has become very complex and difficult to learn and teach. Aiming to change the current state of public health education in Japan, which prioritizes the packing of knowledge, this paper proposes a new learning method that emphasizes the experience in the lecture room. In the first half of the paper, I historically organized the formation of public health in Japan and showed that the complexity of public health in Japan consists of the following two points: 1) Complexity originated through the process of importing and assimilating concepts of hygiene from Europe, starting with the civilization in the Meiji era, 2) Complexity when social science perspective was added and concept of public health was born in Japan, as the result of a visit of the US Education Mission after the Pacific War. In the second half of the paper, in the typical public health class, I looked back on the current educational situation where individual knowledge was presented as unrelated to the learner. Then I emphasized the importance of learner’s perspective, learner’s possibility of doing some experience in the lecture room, and designed an outline of a new educational method. Of particular interest is the tactile experience in which learners touch and feel objects with their fingertips. Based on the trials that I have accumulated so far, I have provided an outline of a class that I let learners touch bubble wrap and think.}, pages = {46--64}, title = {講義室での体験を出発点として公衆衛生学を学ぶ : 指先から世界の有様に近づく試み}, volume = {2}, year = {2019}, yomi = {モリヤマ, マサキ} }