@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000616, author = {TAKASE, Rieko and 髙瀬, 理恵子}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌 = The Japanese Journal of Dysphagia Rehabilitation, 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会雑誌 = The Japanese Journal of Dysphagia Rehabilitation}, month = {}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130007639945, application/pdf, 【目的】精神科病院に入院中の統合失調症を患う高齢者における栄養状態低下の要因を明らかにすることを目的とした.【方法】対象は,精神科病院に入院中の65歳以上の統合失調症患者66名とし,3食経口摂取可能な者とした.この対象の栄養状態をGeriatric Nutritional Risk Index(GNRI)により評価した.栄養状態の低下に影響しうる要因として,基本属性,ADL(障害高齢者の日常生活自立度判定基準),摂食嚥下機能(現在歯数,repetitive saliva swallowing test: RSST回数),社会機能(Rehabilitation Evaluation Hall and Baker: Rehab),認知機能(Mini-Mental State Examination: MMSE)を調査し,GNRIとの関連を,単変量解析およびステップワイズ回帰分析を用いた多変量解析にて解析した.【結果】単変量解析でGNRIと有意な関連が認められた項目は,罹病期間,入院期間,Rehab下位項目のセルフケアおよび社会生活の技能であった.ADL,現在歯数,RSST,MMSEとの有意な関連は認められなかった.GNRIを独立変数としたステップワイズ回帰分析でGNRIと有意な関連が認められた項目は,入院期間と社会生活の技能であり,GNRIに強い影響を与えている順に入院期間(β=-0.40,p= .001),社会生活の技能(β=-0.23,p= .045)であった.【結論】統合失調症を患う高齢者の栄養状態低下の要因は,入院期間の長期化と社会生活の技能の低さであった.高齢の統合失調症患者の栄養状態の低下には,不足したエネルギーや栄養素を補うだけでなく,日中の過ごし方が活性化するような場の提供と,主体的に生活を楽しむための社会生活の技能や自信の回復が必要である., Objective: This study's objective was to identify the factors causing the deterioration of the nutritional status of elderly people with schizophrenia hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. Method: Sixty-six schizophrenia patients hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, aged over 65 years and able to orally ingest three full meals a day, were selected for the study. The nutritional status of the participants was evaluated using the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI). The following factors that may influence the deterioration of nutritional status were examined: basic attributes; assessment of independence level in activities of daily living (ADL) (criteria established by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan); dysphagia function (current number of teeth, repetitive saliva swallowing test [RSST] frequency); ability to function socially using the Rehabilitation Evaluation Hall and Baker scale (Rehab); and cognitive function using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Association with the GNRI was analyzed using multivariate analysis, including both univariate analysis and stepwise regression analysis. Results: The items in which a significant association with the GNRI was observed in the univariate analysis were duration of the disorder, length of hospitalization, and self-care and social life skills, the last two of which were subcomponents of Rehab. There was no significant association with ADL, current number of teeth, RSST, MMSE. The items in which a significant association with the GNRI was observed in the stepwise regression analysis, where the GNRI was set as the independent variable, were length of hospitalization and social life skills. In order of strength of influence on the GNRI were length of hospitalization (β=-0.40, p= .001) and social life skills (β=-0.23, p= .045). Conclusion: Factors causing the nutritional status of elderly people suffering from schizophrenia to deteriorate were the protracted length of hospitalization and low social life skills. For the deteriorating nutritional status of elderly schizophrenia patients, not only is the supplementation of deficient energy and nutrients required but they must be provided with a space that helps to rejuvenate the way they spend their days, social life skills to independently enjoy their day-to-day lives, and a recovery of self-confidence.}, pages = {214--224}, title = {統合失調症を患う高齢者の栄養状態低下の要因}, volume = {22}, year = {2018}, yomi = {タカセ, リエコ} }