@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000608, author = {OOSHIGE, Narumi and 大重, 育美}, journal = {日本ルーラルナーシング学会誌, Japan journal of rural and remote area nursing}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は,地域における家庭内の子どもの事故防止教育のため,家庭内の事故として最も多い一戸建てに注目した.核家族の進行や女性の社会進出による背景から父親の協力は欠かせないことから,研究対象を父親とした.乳幼児をもつ父親を対象として,両親の状況,家族形態,育児参加状況,日常的予防策をA県の離島と本土の市内を比較検討した後,子どもの事故の要因分析を行った.その結果,離島と市内の事故の背景要因が異なり,子どもの事故に地域差があることが明らかとなった.その特徴として一戸建てに住む離島では,祖父母と同居家族で両親の年齢も高く,兄弟の多い家族では,子どもの事故のリスク要因となることが示唆された.地域に応じた養育状況の特徴を踏まえた啓発教育の展開が求められる.そのため,離島における子どもの事故防止の啓発教育として,両親の年齢,家族形態,日常的予防策等の情報を考慮した視点が必要であることがわかった.(著者抄録), This research was focused on injury prevention education in A Prefecture. It observed that most single-family houses were related to domestic injury. Fathers were set as the research target because of the advancement of the nuclear family and of women in society; therefore, fathers' cooperation is considered much more important today. The detached island in A Prefecture was compared to mainland city for fathers who had infants and who lived in single-family houses. We looked at the child rearing environment, childcare situation, and the preventive everyday measures against child injuries. As a result, predictive factors regarding accidents taking place on the detached island and in the city differed, and it became clear that regional differences serves as a backdrop to a children injuries. On the detached island, risk factors associated with a child's injury were as follows: living in single-family houses, living together with grandparents, having older parents, and having many brothers. Education is required based on the childrearing location and situation. Therefore, the age of the parents and the home exception resulted in a need for education pertaining to infant injury prevention on the detached island. Information about the childrearing environment, such as the family structure, needs to be taken into consideration.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {離島と市内における一戸建て住まいの家庭内の子どもの事故の関連要因 : 父親を対象とした地域性の一考察}, volume = {9}, year = {2014}, yomi = {オオシゲ, ナルミ} }