@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000602, author = {OGAWA, Noriko and 小川, 紀子}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本赤十字看護学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science, 日本赤十字看護学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science}, month = {}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130007627052, application/pdf, 福島原発事故後県外へ避難前,避難中,福島県に戻ってからの3時期における母親の思いを明らかにすることを目的とし,県外へ避難当初乳幼児を育てていた母親7名を対象に,半構成的面接を行い質的に分析した.避難前では,【放射線に対する不確かさ】のなか,周囲の母親からの情報等から【子どもにとって放射線は害という確信】をし【子どものために避難を決意】した.避難中では,【環境が変化したことへの苦労】の中,家族と離れて育児や生活する辛さや【人間関係の悩み】を抱えていた.福島県に戻ってからでは,避難経験のない母親との【人間関係の悩み】や【子どもが受けるかもしれない差別への不安】を抱え,【放射線による健康被害への不安】から【子どもの安全を守るための対処】をしていたものの,子どもらしい生活をさせることができない状況にあった.以上から,県外避難から戻った母親の思いを理解した上で,放射線に関する必要な情報を提供しつつともに考える支援の必要性が示唆された., The aim of this study was to investigate the thoughts and feelings of mothers who evacuated to other prefectures in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, during three periods: before evacuation, during evacuation, and after returning to Fukushima Prefecture. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for later qualitative analysis with seven mothers who were raising babies and children initially when they evacuated to outside of the prefecture. Due to widespread panic and anxiety about the level of radiation that was not lessened by the complexity and changing nature of the data supplied by the government, the information provided by the mothers in the community convinced them that any radiation would harm their young children. This prompted them to evacuate as a protective measure. During the evacuation period, in addition to the difficulties caused by their sudden move to an unfamiliar location, they endured the hardships of living separated from other family members while raising their children alone, as well as struggling to fit in socially. After returning to Fukushima, they experienced another struggle in human relations with mothers who had not evacuated. They were also worried that their children might be subjected to discrimination. Their fears about the risk that radiation posed to their children's health is what motivated them to adopt various protective measures, but this resulted in their being unable to give their children the kind of safe and stable life that children need to thrive. I conclude that the thoughts and feelings of mothers who had returned to Fukushima from evacuation to other prefectures need to be well understood. Supporting them by sharing their concerns while providing necessary information on radiation based on this understanding is desirable.}, pages = {11--20}, title = {福島原発事故後県外避難を経験した乳幼児を育てている母親の思い : 避難前・避難中・福島県に戻ってから}, volume = {19}, year = {2019}, yomi = {オガワ, ノリコ} }