@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000579, author = {YAMASE, Yoshie and 山勢, 善江 and YAMASE, Hiroaki and 山勢, 博彰 and TATSUNO, Junko and 立野, 淳子}, issue = {2}, journal = {山口医学, Yamaguchi Medical Journal}, month = {May}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/10031159394, application/pdf, 本研究の目的は,クリティカルケア領域での看護師の家族看護の実態を明らかにし,その構造モデルを作成することである. 方法は,クリティカルケア看護を専門とする看護師498名を対象に,質問紙調査を実施した.質問項目はCCFAP(Critical Care Family Assistance Program)とCNS-FACE(Coping & Needs Scale for Family Assessment in Critical and Emergency care settings)を基に,家族看護実践をあらわす7カテゴリー【環境調整】【チーム調整】【情緒支援】【情報提供】【意思決定支援】【患者ケアへの参加】【信頼関係構築】42項目,5段階リッカートスケールを用いた.各平均値は【信頼関係構築】【情報提供】【情緒支援】【環境調整】【患者ケアへの参加】【意思決定支援】【チーム調整】の順で高かった. 7カテゴリーを観測変数とした共分散構造分析では,3つの潜在変数が見いだされた.1つは【チーム調整】【環境調整】で構成される「周囲の環境調整」,2つめは【情報提供】【情緒支援】で構成される「情報と情緒支援の提供」,3つめは【患者ケアへの参加】【信頼関係構築】【意思決定支援】で構成される「意思の尊重と行動支援」である.「周囲の環境調整」は「情報提供と情緒支援」に0.76(標準化係数),「情報提供と情緒支援」は「意思の尊重と行動支援」に0.92の高い影響を与えていた.モデルは,CFI=0.999,GFI=0.992,AGFI=0.987,RMSEA=0.099であり,適合性が確保できた.クリティカルケア領域での家族看護の構造は,家族の「周囲の環境調整」を行い,次に,「情報と情緒支援の提供」を,そして,家族の代理意思決定を行動に移せるよう「意思の尊重と行動支援」を行うというモデルで説明できた., The objective of this study was to create a structural model of family nursing in critical care. A questionnaire has seven categories(42 items)that were created based on the Critical Care Family Assistance Program and the Coping & Needs Scale for Family Assessment in Critical and Emergency care settings was administered to a total of 498 nurses in critical care. The structure of family nursing was analyzed using covariance structure analysis, and the following three latent variables were identified:environmental coordination of surroundings consisting of"team coordination"and"environmental coordination";provision of information and emotional support consisting of"provision of information"and"emotional support";and respect for their thoughts and behavioral support consisting of"participation in patient care","construction of relationship"and"support for decision-making".Provision of information and emotional support was strongly influenced by environmental coordination of surroundings, while respect for patients'thoughts and behavioral support was strongly influenced by provision of information and emotional support. The structure of family nursing in critical care, at first perform the environmental coordination of surroundings. Next provide information and emotional support, and respect their thoughts and support of behaviors for the family that has decision-making.}, pages = {91--98}, title = {救急・クリティカル領域における家族看護の構造モデル}, volume = {62}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ヤマセ, ヨシエ and ヤマセ, ヒロアキ and タツノ, ジュンコ} }