@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000538, author = {SONODA, Yuki and 苑田, 裕樹 and 増山, 純二 and MASUYAMA, Junji and YAMASE, Yoshie and 山勢, 善江}, journal = {日本赤十字九州国際看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 日本赤十字九州国際看護大学では、2012年より国際協力機構(JICA)インドネシア看護実践能力強化プロジェクトの一環として、災害看護/クリティカルケア/救急看護分野におけるカリキュラム開発に携わっている。2014年、看護継続教育の教育手段の1つとして活用することを目的とし、高規格シミュレーターがインドネシア大学ほか5 大学に供与された。今回、本学教員2 名が短期専門家として派遣され、これらの機材を活用したシミュレーション教育の実践研修を実施した。この実践研修は、当該地域のカウンターパートをはじめ、関連分野の大学教員、関連病院の看護管理者、看護教育担当者、指導者レベルの臨床看護師を対象として、インドネシア大学ほか4 施設で実施した。研修設計にはID(Instructional Design)の概念を取り入れ、カリキュラムへのシミュレーション教育の導入を見据え、研修後も継続的に実践していけるような能力育成をコンセプトとして実践研修を展開した。本稿は実践報告として、シミュレーション教育実践研修の内容および、研修参加者の反応や行動変容、研修中に撮影したDVDや訪問中の短期専門家のメモを振り返り、目標達成度を評価した。6つの研修目標は概ね達成できたが、プロジェクトの成果を高める継続支援のために、IDの観点から研修設計を振り返り、実践研修の成果と課題を明確にした。そして、インドネシア国におけるシミュレーション教育実践のための今後の展望を検討した。, As part of the Indonesian Project for Enhancement of Nursing Competency through In-Service Training of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which began in October, 2012, Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing has been involved in the development of curriculums in the fields of disaster nursing, critical care, and emergency nursing. In 2014, high standard simulators were provided to five universities in Indonesia with the objective of utilizing them as a means of education for nursing continuing education. This time two faculty members from this university were dispatched as temporary experts who implemented practical training in simulation based learning that was conducted utilizing this equipment. This practical training was implemented in four facilities apart from Indonesian universities targeting university faculty from related sectors, nursing administrators from related hospitals, nursing education staff, and leadership level clinical nurses, as well as those universities’ counterparts. The practical training was developed by incorporating concepts of instructional design (ID) for the training design, anticipating the introduction of simulation based learning in the curriculum, and with the concept of cultivating abilities that can be continued even after the training. This paper presents the practical report that includes an assessment of the degree of accomplishment of the goals by reflecting upon the content of practical training for simulation based learning, the reactions and behavior modifications of the training participants, the DVDs shot during the training, and the memos of the visiting temporary experts. Six training goals were achieved overall; yet for continued support to enhance project results, the training design has been reflected upon from the perspective of ID and the achievements and challenges of practical training have been identified. Further, future prospects for the implementation of simulation based learning in Indonesia have also been examined., 資料=Source/Information, Supplemental Article}, pages = {25--34}, title = {インドネシア国におけるシミュレーション教育実践研修の成果と課題 : 災害看護/クリティカルケア/救急看護分野カリキュラムへのシミュレーション教育導入に向けた取り組み(第1回)}, volume = {15}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ソノダ, ユウキ and マスヤマ, ジュンジ and ヤマセ, ヨシエ} }