@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000303, author = {TATSUNO, Junko and 立野, 淳子 and YAMASE, Hiroaki and 山勢, 博彰 and YAMASE, Yoshie and 山勢, 善江}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本集中治療医学会雑誌, Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, 2006年本学会において,集中治療における終末期医療のあり方が示されて以降,終末期患者の家族へのケアにも焦点があてられるようになった。今回,集中治療領域における終末期患者の家族ケアに関する2000年以降の海外文献をレビューした結果,以下のことが明らかになった。予期せず患者の死期が迫っていることを告げられた家族は,心理的危機に陥りやすく,様々な悲嘆反応を呈する。代理意思決定は,家族の精神健康状態を悪化させることもあれば,終末期ケアに対する満足度を高めることもあり,意思決定に至るプロセスが重要である。家族ケアでは,家族中心の意思決定を導くことや,家族と良好なコミュニケーションをとることが重要であり,これらは家族の終末期ケアの満足度を高めることにつながる。終末期にある患者の苦痛を軽減することは,家族に心理的安寧をもたらす間接的ケアになる。また家族のニードを満たせるように調整することも必要である。, Since “the recommendation on ideal terminal care in intensive care” was presented in our society in 2006, attention has come to be focused on providing care to the families of terminally ill patients. In this study, we reviewed the literature published from overseas after 2000 on the care for the families of terminally ill patients in the field of intensive care. The results were as follows. When the family is unexpectedly told that the patient is close to death, they are likely to have a psychological crisis and to show grief reactions. The need for surrogate decision-making can make the mental health of the family worse, while it can increase the family's satisfaction level with terminal care. Therefore, the process of decision-making is important. Of importance for family care are provision of guidance for family-centered decision-making and maintenance of good communication with the family, which can lead to improved family satisfaction with terminal care. Furthermore, adequate control of pain of terminally ill patients serves as an indirect way of providing care for the family. It is also important to meet the needs of the family.}, pages = {337--345}, title = {集中治療領域における終末期患者の家族ケア}, volume = {18}, year = {2011}, yomi = {タツノ, ジュンコ and ヤマセ, ヒロアキ and ヤマセ, ヨシエ} }