@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000231, author = {ITO, Teruko and 伊藤, てる子 and KANEKO, Sayuri and 金子, さゆり}, journal = {日本赤十字九州国際看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing}, month = {Dec}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/40019643779, application/pdf, 本研究は、小児科病棟で働く看護師の抑うつ傾向の実態と、看護師の抑うつ傾向が医療安全や離職意図に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的に、小児専門病院(3病院)および一般病院(3施設)の小児科病棟に勤務する看護師354名を対象にCES-Dを用いた自記式調査を実施した。小児科看護師の46.3%が抑うつ傾向にあることが示され、施設比較(専門病院と一般病院)、病棟比較(小児病棟とNICU)、経験年数別比較においては抑うつ割合に差がみられなかった。抑うつ傾向による医療安全への影響を検討した結果、抑うつ傾向の有無とインシデント・アクシデントレポート提出数や有害事象発生と関連はみられなかった。一方、抑うつ傾向にある場合は傾向がない場合に比べて、薬剤関連のエラーやニアミスを起こす確率が約3倍に、トラブル遭遇頻度が3~4倍に高まる可能性が示唆され、安全な医療を提供していくためにも、看護師の抑うつ状態についてスクリーニングを行い、抑うつ状態にある看護師へのメンタルサポートを充実させていく必要がある。, The objective of the present study was to examine the present situation of the tendency to depression among nursing staff working at pediatric wards and its effects on medical safety and nurses turn-over intentions. 354 nurses in 3 pediatric hospitals and in the pediatric wards of 3 general hospitals were selected for the study. A self-administered questionnaire, the CES-D was used to collect the data. 46.3% of pediatric wards nursing staff showed a tendency towards depression. There were no significant differences among nursing staff working in different facilities or wards (pediatric and general hospitals and pediatric and NICU wards respectively). An analysis of the effects that tendency to depression might have on medical safety revealed no relation between the number of reported incidents, accidents and adverse events, and having or not a tendency to depression. In addition, compared to nursing staff that did not have tendency to depression, nurses that had tendency to depression showed a 3-fold higher probability of near-misses and medication administration errors and the frequency of them encountering trouble could be possibly increased 3 to 4 times. To deliver safe medical care in pediatric wards it is necessary to screen nursing staff for tendency to depression and to offer complete mental support to those presenting depressive conditions.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {小児科看護師の抑うつ傾向が医療安全と離職意図に及ぼす影響}, volume = {11}, year = {2012}, yomi = {イトウ, テルコ and カネコ, サユリ} }