@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000032, author = {HIMENO, Toshiko and 姫野, 稔子 and MAGOTA, Chie and 孫田, 千恵}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本看護研究学会雑誌, Japanese journal of nursing research}, note = {application/pdf, 目的:本研究の目的は,開発したフットケアプログラムの効果と妥当性を検証することである。方法:施設スタッフ3名に施設利用の後期高齢者を対象にフットケアプログラムの指導的介入を依頼した。結果:対象は男性5名,女性9名の計14名であり,2名は要支援1,3名は要支援2であった。介入前後の比較では,足部の「冷感」「足がつる」等の循環に関連する項目が,皮膚の状態では胼胝や角質化,皮膚剥離が消失した者がいた。足底部の触圧覚は1か所を除き有意に閾値が低下した(p<.05)。皮膚表面温度は両足とも低下した。開眼片足立ち時間 (p<.05)とFunctional Reach Testは有意に延長した(p<.01)。10m最大速歩行(p<.05)とTime Up & Go Testも有意に短縮し(p<.01),足趾間把持力は両足とも有意に向上した(p<.05)。結論:多職種の介入においても介護予防の第一義的目標である立位・歩行能力が向上し,プログラムの妥当性が示唆された。, Objective: This study aimed to verify the efficacy and validity of foot care programs in elderly facilities. Methods: We requested the assistance of three staff members at elderly facilities with a foot care program. Results: There were five male and nine female subjects. Before-and-after comparisons after the intervention of the foot care programs revealed the following results: 1) Blood circulation–related problems such as “coldness” in feet and “hanging” feet improved, while calluses, keratinization, and skin peeling disappeared. 2) Tactile sensation on the soles of the feet was significantly reduced at five thresholds (p‹.05). 3) The skin surface temperature decreased for both feet. 4) The subjects could stand longer on one leg with their eyes open (p‹.05) and their scores on the Functional Reach Test increased significantly (p‹.01). 5) The maximum speed when walking 10 m increased (p‹.05) and the time taken on the Time Up and Go Test decreased significantly (p‹.01). 6) Toe grasp power improved significantly in both feet (p‹.05). Conclusions: Although the interventions were performed by assistants with different occupations, the programs were judged as appropriate since the outcomes (the progress and effect of care) were the same., 技術・実践報告}, pages = {823--832}, title = {在宅高齢者の介護予防に向けたフットケアプログラムの評価 : 後期高齢者に対する効果および妥当性の検証}, volume = {45}, yomi = {ヒメノ, トシコ and マゴタ, チエ} }