@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000021, author = {UNOKI, Takeshi and 卯野木, 健 and HAYASHIDA, Kei and 林田, 敬 and 河合, 佑亮 and KAWAI, Yusuke and 對東, 俊介 and TAITO, Shunsuke and 安藤, 守秀 and ANDO, Morihide and IIDA, Yuki and 飯田, 有輝 and 笠井, 史人 and KASAI, Fumihito and 川崎, 達也 and KAWASAKI, Tatsuya and 神津, 玲 and KOZU, Ryo and 近藤, 豊 and KONDO, Yutaka and 齊藤, 正和 and SAITOH, Masakazu and SAKURAMOTO, Hideaki and 櫻本, 秀明 and 佐々木, 信幸 and SASAKI, Nobuyuki and 佐浦, 隆一 and SAURA, Ryuichi and 中村, 謙介 and NAKAMURA, Kensuke and 大内, 玲 and OUCHI, Akira and OKAMOTO, Saiko and 岡本, 菜子 and 岡村, 正嗣 and OKAMURA, Masatsugu and 栗原, 知己 and KURIBARA, Tomoki and 栗山, 明 and KURIYAMA, Akira and 松石, 雄二朗 and MATSUISHI, Yujiro and 山本, 憲督 and YAMAMOTO, Norimasa and 吉廣, 尚大 and YOSHIHIRO, Shodai and 矢坂, 泰介 and YASAKA, Taisuke and 日本集中治療医学会, 集中治療早期リハビリテーション委員会 and The Japan Society of Intensive Care Medicine, The Committee for the Clinical Practice Guidelines of Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation in Intensive Care}, journal = {Journal of Intensive Care}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, Providing standardized, high-quality rehabilitation for critically ill patients is a crucial issue. In 2017, the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine (JSICM) promulgated the “Evidence-Based Expert Consensus for Early Rehabilitation in the Intensive Care Unit” to advocate for the early initiation of rehabilitations in Japanese intensive care settings. Building upon this seminal work, JSICM has recently conducted a rigorous systematic review utilizing the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology. This endeavor resulted in the formulation of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), designed to elucidate best practices in early ICU rehabilitation. The primary objective of this guideline is to augment clinical understanding and thereby facilitate evidence-based decision-making, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of patient outcomes in critical care settings. No previous CPGs in the world has focused specifically on rehabilitation of critically ill patients, using the GRADE approach. Multidisciplinary collaboration is extremely important in rehabilitation. Thus, the CPGs were developed by 73 members of a Guideline Development Group consisting of a working group, a systematic review group, and an academic guideline promotion group, with the Committee for the Clinical Practice Guidelines of Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation in Intensive Care of the JSICM at its core. Many members contributed to the development of the guideline, including physicians and healthcare professionals with multiple and diverse specialties, as well as a person who had been patients in ICU. Based on discussions among the group members, eight important clinical areas of focus for this CPG were identified. Fourteen important clinical questions (CQs) were then developed for each area. The public was invited to comment twice, and the answers to the CQs were presented in the form of 10 GRADE recommendations and commentary on the four background questions. In addition, information for each CQ has been created as a visual clinical flow to ensure that the positioning of each CQ can be easily understood. We hope that the CPGs will be a useful tool in the rehabilitation of critically ill patients for multiple professions., Other authors: Ryo Abe, Takahito Iitsuka, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yuki Uchiyama, Satoshi Endo, Kazuki Okura, Kohei Ota, Takahisa Otsuka, Daisuke Okada, Kengo Obata, Yukiko Katayama, Naoki Kaneda, Mio Kitayama, Shunsuke Kina, Ryuichi Kusaba, Masanari Kuwabara, Naoki Sasanuma, Masahiro Takahashi, Chihiro Takayama, Naonori Tashiro, Junko Tatsuno, Takahiko Tamura, Mitsuhiro Tamoto, Asuka Tsuchiya, Yusuke Tsutsumi, Tadashi Nagato, Chihiro Narita, Tomohiro Nawa, Tadayoshi Nonoyama, Masatoshi Hanada, Kotaro Hirakawa, Akiko Makino, Hirotaka Masaki, Ryosuke Matsuki, Shinya Matsushima, Wataru Matsuda, Saori Miyagishima, Masaru Moromizato, Naoya Yanagi, Kota Yamauchi, Yuhei Yamashita, Natsuhiro Yamamoto, Keibun Liu, Yuki Wakabayashi, Shinichi Watanabe, Hiroshi Yonekura, Nobuto Nakanishi, Tetsuya Takahashi, Osamu Nishida}, title = {Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Rehabilitation in Critically Ill Patients 2023 (J-ReCIP 2023)}, volume = {11}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ウノキ, タケシ and ハヤシダ, ケイ and カワイ, ユウスケ and タイトウ, シュンスケ and アンドウ, モリヒデ and イイダ, ユウキ and カサイ, フミヒト and カワサキ, タツヤ and コウヅ, リョウ and コンドウ, ユタカ and サイトウ, マサカズ and サクラモト, ヒデアキ and ササキ, ノブユキ and サウラ, リュウイチ and ナカムラ, ケンスケ and オオウチ, アキラ and オカモト, サイコ and オカムラ, マサツグ and クリバラ, トモキ and クリヤマ, アキラ and マツイシ, ユウジロウ and ヤマモト, ノリマサ and ヨシヒロ, ショウダイ and ヤサカ, タイスケ and ニホンシュウチュウチリョウイガクカイ, シュウチュウチリョウソウキリハビリテーションイインカイ} }