@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000009, author = {MATSUNAKA, Eriko and 松中, 枝理子 and 隈井, 寛子 and KUMAI, Hiroko and 橋本, 真貴子 and HASHIMOTO, Makiko and UTSUNOMIYA, Mayuko and 宇都宮, 真由子 and SONODA, Nozomi and 園田, 希 and OOSHIGE, Narumi and 大重, 育美}, issue = {2}, journal = {小児保健研究, The journal of child health}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究は,新型コロナウイルス感染症(以下,COVID-19)流行下における幼児の保護者の日常生活の体験を明らかにするために,オンラインで面接を行い,質的記述的分析を実施した。分析対象者は母親 21 人であった。母親は COVID-19 が出現した 1 年後も【COVID-19 に対する恐怖心】を抱いているが,【思いもよらない価値観の変化】【新しい生活様式への順応】も感じていた。しかし,この過程で,【他者との人間関係の希薄化】【既存の育児支援システムの弱体化】【意図しない家庭環境の変化】という環境下で,【新しい生活様式を取り入れる際に生じた閉塞感や困難感】【不本意に変化した子どもの遊びと遊ぶ場所の減少】【子どもの感染予防対策の促進に対する困難感】への対処を求められ,役割が増加したことで,【育児の負担感の増大】を自覚していた。さらに,就労する母親は【仕事や職場の変化による負荷の増大】【職場の機能を維持させるための責任感】【仕事と育児の両立への困難感の増大】も感じていた。COVID-19 流行下で,他者との人間関係の希薄化が継続し,母親の感染予防対策の価値観が他者との交流や支援を受けるかを判断する一つの指標になっていた。今後の育児支援では,感染状況に応じた感染予防対策を継続しながら,保護者の交流が活発になるような支援の拡充,保護者が自身の感染予防対策の価値観で支援を選択できるような整備が求められる, This study aimed to identify the daily experiences of parents with pre-school children aged 2-6 years during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic. This study employed online interviews to 21 mothers out of 22 parents and analyzed their responses by qualitative descriptive method. The mothers continued to have “fear of COVID-19” during the first year since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic; however, they experienced “unexpected changes in values” and “adaptation to the new life.” Notably, the process of adaptation addressed the “stresses and difficulties of adjusting to a new life,” “changes in children’s play and fewer playgrounds,” and “difficulties in promoting infection prevention among children” in the new environment, including “weakened relationships with others,” “weakening of existing parenting support systems,” and “unintended changes in the home environment.” Furthermore, “increased burden of childcare” was reported by the mothers at home. Working mothers also reported “increased burden due to changes in work content and work environment,” “responsibility for maintaining a functioning workplace,” and “increased difficulty in balancing work and childcare.” During the COVID-19 period, relationships remained weak and attitudes towards COVID-19 infection prevention influenced the mothers’ engagement with their surroundings and whether they accepted support. In the future, there is a need to maintain infection situation-specific prevention protocols and expand support in order to encourage parents to interact and choose support based on their attitude toward infection prevention., 研究}, pages = {173--183}, title = {新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下における幼児の保護者の日常生活の体験と対処行動 : 第1報}, volume = {82}, year = {2023}, yomi = {マツナカ, エリコ and クマイ, ヒロコ and ハシモト, マキコ and ウツノミヤ, マユコ and ソノダ, ノゾミ and オオシゲ, ナルミ} }