@article{oai:jrckicn.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000176, author = {TOKUNAGA, Satoshi and 徳永, 哲}, journal = {日本赤十字九州国際看護大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing}, month = {Dec}, note = {http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008923186, application/pdf, ナイチンゲールの思想は、1842 にプロシアの特使ブンゼン男爵と知り合いになった時点から急速に進歩、深化した。ブンゼン男爵の豊富な知識は、神学者でありながら異端者として火刑に処されたブルーノやエックハルト、さらにネオ・プラトニズムにまで及んでいた。また、ドイツのカイザースヴェルト学園の情報誌などを届けてくれたのはブンゼン夫妻であり、彼を通して知った宗教思想や哲学はナイチンゲールの看護への意志を支え、励まし続けた。1840 年代後半になると、ロンドンにはプロテスタントとカトリック双方の女子修道会が発足し、貧困者の救済に修道女が活躍するようになった。ナイチンゲールは特に看護修道女の活動を知るようになった。クリミア戦争ではナイチンゲールを支えて献身的に働いた看護修道女のフライやマザー・ムーアから、彼女等の看護への意識の高さを思い知らされた。その一方で、キングス・カレッジのボーマン医師の外科手術に立ち会ったことから医療技術の進歩に直面し、病院看護の新しい方向性を見出す切掛けとなった。また、彼女が自発的に習得した公衆衛生学や統計学の知識は近代看護の確立基盤となった。宗教と科学、この矛盾したものがナイチンゲールの思想の中には一体となって存在し、近代看護は生み出されたのである。, Nightingale's encounter with Baron von Bunsen brought her a rapid development of thought. He hadsuch a rich knowledge about philosophy, religion, theology, and history that he could give good advices onverious books to Nightingale. She could form the most important heart of her nursing theory through radicalthoughts of Bruno and Eckhalt introduced by Baron von Bunsen. Although Bruno and Eckhalt were boththeologians, they were brought to the Inquisition and burned as heretics.Moreover, Mrs. Bunsen gave Nightingale valuable pieces of information about the Institution ofDeaconess at Kaiserswerth, which kindled Nightingale's enthusiasm for nursing.In the mid-nineteenth century, both Protestant and Catholic established women's monastic orders totrain nursing sisters of hospital and home visit. Elizabeth Fry who belonged to a protestant order,established the Institution of Nursing Sisters in London after the model of the Institution of Deaconess atKaiserswerth. Mother Mary Moore who managed the Bermondsey Convent of Mercy trained the sisters togive relief to the poor. Both of them did not only promote friendship with Nightingale and helped her duringthe Crimean War, but also they continued to suggest to her how nursing should be after the war.In 1854, Nightingale had an opportunity to help Dr. Bowman with his performing an operation atKing's College Hospital. Since then she came to think about what nurses should do in an age where medicaltreatment had advanced. And experiences of the Crimean War made her keenly feel the importance of thehospital nursing to prevent patients from infections.It is not too much to say that dualism, a spirit of service such as nursing sisters and a scientificapproach to the patient's health, formed Nightingale's nursing theory. I feel convinced that modern nursingwas produced from Nightingale's conflict and her conquest of the dualism.}, pages = {61--72}, title = {1840-50年代におけるナイチンゲールの看護哲学と近代看護の形成}, volume = {10}, year = {2011}, yomi = {トクナガ, サトシ} }